More About Tables - Intermediate Level



  1. Create a folder named yourlastname_e08
  2. Create a new html file.
  3. Save it in the folder as yourlastname_ e08_before.html
  4. Create a table. Include:
    • In the table tag include this attribute and value:
      • border=1
    • Put in the text shown.
    • Note that cells containing an "X" are not bold or centered. Please use the proper cell tag for those and also use that tag for the empty cells.
    • Tip: Think how to do this easily by copying and pasting a cell then a row.
Table Exercise - Table Before

  1. Copy the file you created above.
  2. Name the copied file: yourlastname_ E08_after.html
  3. Save it in the same folder as above.
  4. Convert the copied table into the following table. Include:
    • rowspans and colspans as needed.
    • The caption
    • The text as shown.
    • Use the html align and valign attributes where needed.
  5. Zip and send me the folder with both files in it.
Table Exercise - Table Before